Robert 229-288-4868 | Glennette 229-869-1304
Glennette at a young age

Glennette at a young age

As a child growing up, I always loved singing and going to church. I remember riding the church van, attending Vacation Bible School and Sunday School … and so much more. Little did I know back then, one day I would be the one ministering to people. Robert and I have such an awesome opportunity. We are invited into a church and given full permission to follow the Holy Spirit and minister to God’s people. This is NOT something we take lightly. God has given us certain spiritual gifts and we are more than happy to allow the Holy Spirit to use us. We minister in song everywhere we go and then Robert brings a powerful word from God.

That arrangement was always fine with me. Then for some reason I started buying books like “Preaching Without Notes”. Robert always encourages me to step out and go to the next level whether in singing or working the altar or whatever.  So I did quite often but I still stayed within my realm of comfort!

Then one night a few months ago, I was praying in the altar “Lord, I just want to be in your will. What would you have me do?” You know that prayer right, it’s one many of us pray when we are truly seeking God’s will for our life. Well, this particular night, the Lord blew my mind. The conversation went like this:

“Lord, I just want to be in your will. What would you have me do?”


“Lord, you know I love to sing. I will sing all you want.”

“I said Preach.”

“Lord, Robert is such an awesome preacher. You don’t need me to preach.”

“I said Preach!”

Whoa! Some of you are probably thinking “Wow, God doesn’t speak to me like that.” Well, He will if you quiet yourself and LISTEN and ask Him to speak to you. Now, it wasn’t an audible voice. It was a voice I heard inside my head and I knew it was God because that’s just how God speaks to me. The thought almost forces itself into my mind, it’s hard to explain but I just know when it’s God. Sometimes when He’s telling me something I want a different answer on, I’ll try to NOT have that thought but I can’t do it.

Shortly after having that conversation with God, Robert and I attended a revival at a church in Coolidge Ga. We weren’t ministering but we were asked to sing so of course we did. After church, we went out to eat and during the meal, I asked the pastor’s wife if she had ever felt called to preach. At this point, I’m still fighting even the thought of “preaching” so when she said “Funny you ask because I was thinking of asking you to speak at our Ladies Meeting in a couple months”, it sort of blew my mind. I knew I had to say yes but part of me was scared to death! I had spoken a few times before but that was BEFORE “the call”. I still prefer to call it speaking but God has now used me in a mighty way several times. Robert helps me lead worship then he leaves and I minister by myself, including the altar call which terrified me at first.

I have now ministered (still don’t like calling it preaching) several times. As chains are broken and tears are flowing and women are slain in the Spirit, it’s all worth it! I remember the first time I laid hands on someone fully expecting God’s power to slay them in the Spirit and He did! I was like “Wow, I guess I do have some power.”

It’s not me though, it’s the anointing! Once you realize that you can do nothing without the Holy Spirit and the anointing and you are not really the one ministering anyway, it’s much easier to say “Here am I Lord, send me.”

If you had told me when I was little that I’d be ministering and not just in song when I was older, I would have without a doubt told you were insane.

I’m reminded of this song.

You Can Use Me

If You can use anything Lord, you can use me.
If You can use anything Lord, you can use me.
Take my hands, Lord and my feet
Touch my heart, Lord and speak through me
If You can use anything Lord, you can use me!

Now I have a question for you. What has God called YOU to do? Why haven’t you done it?

Allow God to use you and then step back and watch Him work!

In His Love,

Glennette Goodbread